I bought the full version of espresso Mind Map, but when I start the app, still the light version is started. How can I change this?

On the start screen, locate the icon of the full version of espresso mind map and start the app from this tile.

If you have purchased the full version of espresso Mind Map, the light version is not uninstalled automatically. Therefore, you still will find the icon of the light version on your start screen and when you click on it, the light version will be started. Therefore to start the full version of espresso mind map, please locate the icon of the full version and start the app from this newly installed icon.
Please find here more information about searching and managing newly installed apps.

Question: Can espresso Mind Map create images (jpg/png/tiff)?

Answer: Yes, it can! Use the export function to create jpg, png or tiff images of your mind maps.

You find the "Export" button in the lower app-bar. A popup-menu where you can choose the type of the export will open. Select "Graphic". Afterwards, you can choose the file location, the file name and the type of the image (jpg/png/tiff) to be created.

Tip: If you set the visible root to another node than the root node, the image export will use the view of your selection.

Question: Does espresso MindMap support keyboard-shortcuts and gestures?

Answer: Yes, of course:

Click on the help button on the upper app-bar to get an overview of the supported keyboard shortcuts and gestures.

Tip: Keyboard users may also use the F1 button to open the help menu.

Question: Can I copy parts of a mind-map to another one?

Answer: Yes, actually it’s very simple:

Select the desired item and press the Copy button. The items are now copied to the clipboard. Afterwards open the other mind map, select the destination node and click the paste button.

Tip: You find the copy button in the app bar on the bottom. Alternatively, you may use the shortcut Control-C on a keyboard.

Particularly useful: All sub-items are copied also.